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Food pairing | Come abbinare cocktail e cibo per un menu perfetto

Food pairing | How to combine cocktails and food for a perfect menu

Not only at aperitif time: food pairing with cocktails is exceptional from brunch time to dinner. And even later, if you don't disdain dessert. With a much fresher and more modern allure than the ubiquitous wines and beers on our tables, cocktails are a divine accompaniment to many of the dishes and foods we cook every day. We asked our mixology expert to create for us some combinations between cocktails and food that could be recreated at home by anyone, without any special skills as a bartender or chef experience. So...follow our advice and throw yourself into experimenting with new...

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Spirito Cocktails
Ragazza beve un vodka sour

Vodka Sour: tutto quello che devi sapere sul famoso cocktail con vodka

Il Vodka Sour è un sour cocktail con vodka, limone, sciroppo di zucchero dal sapore morbido e fresco, molto apprezzato come cocktail after lunch o dopo cena. Origine del Vodka Sour  Come spesso succede nel mondo della mixology, anche il Vodka Sour drink nasce da una variante. In questo caso si tratta della variante più fresca e vellutata del Whiskey Sour, che sostituisce il whiskey americano con 5 cl di vodka russa. Il Vodka Sour - a differenza, per esempio, del Vodka Martini di James Bond, del Bloody Mary o del French Connection - può essere considerato un “twist”, ossia una variazione che modifica...

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Spirito Cocktails
Due ragazze che brindano con dei cocktails

How to prepare the 10 most drunk cocktails in 2020

Bottlers up! Today we raise a glass to the ten most ordered famous cocktails in 2020. Also this year, the magazine Drinks International has compiled the ranking of the most ordered drinks in the world. A list full of interesting ideas to taste new flavors and deepen the knowledge of the great classics of drinking.Let's talk about the most loved modern cocktails, the ones we just can't give up and that help us to disconnect after a stressful day of work, or to celebrate Friday night with friends. After all, we know very well that the moment of the evening cocktail,...

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Spirito Cocktails
Casa accogliente in inverno

3 tips to make your home more cozy in winter

It's time to welcome evenings at home on the sofa with luxurious plaids, the fireplace lit, soft pillows all around, and a good drink at hand. The watchword for making the most of relaxing moments in the cold season is hygge, the all-Scandinavian concept of taking pleasure in the simple joys of life, such as the presence of comfortable objects and familiar people.This quality of calm, warmth, and coziness has been mastered particularly well by the Danes, who embrace the hygge philosophy in every aspect of their lives, particularly during the cold, dark winter months. Adding elements of warmth and comfort...

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